Sunny ski trails offer cold beauty…

Sunny ski trails offer cold beauty…

On Monday, Presidents Day, the trails to the east of the creek at Alturas Lake were groomed for skate. Over the Hill, South Loop, the Trail to the Lake as far as the bridge, the Connector and flat stretches on Wapiti had nice classic tracks as well. It was a cold day. Tuesday is mostly sunny and cold as well. Grooming will push out to the lake after noon with new corduroy and tracks once the sun has warmed things up a bit.

New snow and cold temperatures on ski trails…

New snow and cold temperatures on ski trails…

At 10 a.m. on Monday, the 19th of February, temperatures at the Alturas Lake and Park Creek ski areas were still below zero. The foot of new snow that fell over the weekend was rolled flat on Sunday and the resulting trails were lovely but a bit soft.

It’s a beautiful random day for a ski…

It’s a beautiful random day for a ski…

On Friday, February 16th, at Alturas Lake, the Trail to the Lake, Over the Hill, South Loop, and North Cabin were groomed for skating and classic. Looks like Saturday could be a lovely day to try a short ski, practice a random act of kindness or take part in a senseless act of beauty.

A bit of snow hits ski trails!

A bit of snow hits ski trails!

On Thursday, February 15th, after a dose of new snow dusted trails, all skate lanes at Park Creek were groomed and looking very good. At Alturas Lake, all skate lanes to the east of the creek were groomed with new classic tracks working out for the most part. However, at seemingly random points, the perfectly geometric, straight and well formed classic tracks degenerated into wild weird squiggles. In these areas, it is recommended that you giggle whilst you wiggle.

Good Skating at Alturas Trails

Good Skating at Alturas Trails

On Monday, the 12th of February, all skating lanes at Alturas Lake were refreshed. Skating was rated as very good. The bench at the lake was warm and dry in the sun… totally  free of snow. The scene was perfect. Unfortunately, the half inch of new snow that fell overnight was not sufficient to reset classic tracks properly and where it was attempted, some classic grooves were totally lost in the effort. Oh well, such is life, c’est la vie, what can you do? Remaining classic tracks are old and fuzzy, slightly sloughing, lightly dusted but no longer glazed.