The15th annual Sawtooth Ski Festival was cheered by attendees over the weekend who proclaimed it not only a culinary marvel but also a real doozie, a humdinger, a rip snorter and the cat’s meow. Despite heavy snowfall, intense winds and scary weather predictions, a crazy clowder of cool cats showed up to chow down on chili and chicken, cash in on auction items and cruise the cool corduroy. Even a cowardice of curs, cruelly cursed and banned from the soup kitchen confines, turned into a tickled pink pack when the pretty girl from the village broke out a box of beggar dog biscuits. Wolfing down the heart shaped cakes, those who had tails wagged them wildly. Even Davinius had to admit it had been a good time but thank god it was over. As he munched a last cookie, he decided to skip grooming Monday and start again Tuesday.



On Friday,  despite warm snow conditions, all Park Creek ski trails were rolled and a classic track set on Camas, Lupine and Shooting Star. More grooming this morning should result in good trail conditions for the Chili feed today from 11 to 2 and the always fun Poker Run. The winning poker hand will be called at 1:30 for a $100 gift certificate from Backwoods Mountain Sports! Tonight from 5:30 to 8:30 at the Stanley community building, enjoy a Mexican Mole Chicken dinner and the fabulous Ski Club Silent Auction with some really great items up for grabs. Don’t forget your check book! On Sunday, the Soup Kitchen social at the Alturas Lake ski area will take place from 11 to 3. Enjoy cookies, soups, great trails and good company.




On Thursday, the 2nd of March, the old groomer Davinius and Walter, the famous Swiss single pole skier, met on the frozen shores of Alturas Lake. Davinius had just ginzu groomed the trail  from the bridge to the lake and Walter had skied out in hopes of bagging a March hare sighting for his life list of birds and mammals of North America. He had seen the hare in February, just three days earlier, but figured that a February hare was not the same thing as a March hare.  “They’re the same thing.” said Davinius. ‘Not the same thing a bit!’ said Walter. ‘You might just as well say,’ he added , ‘that “I like what I get” is the same thing as “I get what I like”!’ “Well, maybe you can get what you like at the Ski Club auction on Saturday night, anything you like, excepting Alice.” offered Davinius, “And at that evening’s supper, you might even see a Mexican Mole Chicken to add to your list.” “A March Mexican Mole Chicken?” asked Walter, and just as he spoke, he noticed that one of the trees on the lake shore had a door leading right into it. ‘That’s very curious!’ he thought. ‘But everything’s curious today. I think I may as well go in at once.’ And in he went.

Alturas Skate Trails Great

Alturas Skate Trails Great

On Tuesday, the last day of February, all trails to the east of Alturas Lake creek were groomed for skate skiing and touring and looked GREAT! A broken drive belt slowed progress for a short time and was replaced on Tuesday. A pesky frozen track setter will be replaced on Wednesday and classic tracks will follow. Work scheduled to shovel the down the alarming snow height on the bridge crossing Alturas lake creek should make crossings easier for the weak of heart. Ski festival weekend is only 4 days away.