Verrrry colddddd….

On Monday, January 30th, the 54th anniversary of the Beatles last public appearance, the temperature in the Sawtooth Valley at 1 p.m. was still still stuck at double digits below zero. It is unlikely that there will be any public appearance by the ski trail groomers today.

Light snow falling and blowing…

On January 28th, the 160th birthday of Australian artist Ernest Christmas, a light snow is falling and blowing across trails at Park Creek and Alturas that were just groomed yesterday. More grooming to touch things up is scheduled for today. More snow showers are also scheduled.

Happy trails to you…

On January 26th, the birthday of the 12th Dalai Lama, all trails at Park Creek and Alturas Lake are groomed and in good shape. More grooming scheduled for today at Alturas to correct any minor imperfections. Until we meet again…

Frosty day at ski areas…

 On January 17th, the one hundred and seventy second birthday of illustrator A.B. Frost, the ski trails at Alturas Lake, Park Creek and the Stanley Park all looked really great. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!