Happy New Year #4713
On Thursday, February 4th, 4,713, the first day of the red fire monkey year, grooming is scheduled for 10 a.m on the Alturas Lake Ski trails. Happy new year and ski with good fortune.
On Thursday, February 4th, 4,713, the first day of the red fire monkey year, grooming is scheduled for 10 a.m on the Alturas Lake Ski trails. Happy new year and ski with good fortune.
On February 3rd, the day the music died, an afternoon ski at Alturas lake could be lovely. On Tuesday all skate lanes to the east of the creek were refreshed with a ginzu grooming. Rave on!
On Tuesday, the second of February, Plumoutaluck Puck, the skiing Alturas Lake woodchuck, saw his shadow at 8:25 a.m. as the sun crested Galena Pass and illuminated his humble little hummock. Six more weeks of good skiing are predicted. Corduroyed trails at Alturas will be refreshed with a ginzu grooming on Tuesday afternoon. Classic tracks there still look nice but watch out for some soft shoulders that could use a bit more compaction.
At Park Creek, classic tracks are still set on Lupine, Camas and Shooting Star. All other trails, including skyrocket, were rolled yesterday for skating and snow conditions were described as “Choice” except for on Sego, where downed trees are blocking passage.
On Sunday, the last day of January, the grooming Yankeeforker laid down corduroy and classic tracks on Lupine, Camas and Shooting Star trails at Park Creek and prepared the trails at the Stanley City park for a Nordic Town USA skate ski clinic on Monday. The rest of the trails at Park Creek are scheduled to be groomed Monday.
At Alturas lake on Sunday, North Cabin Creek was corduroyed with two passes of the roller, all other trails were ginzu groomed for both skate and classic. Expect cold trails, cool skiing and crazy beauty.
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