My true love sent to me four calling birds…

 December 28th is the Fourth Day Of Christmas, as well as the Feast of the Holy Innocents. This day is celebrated in Spain like April fools day here – however, the following is not a silly Joke from some Spanish calling bird! Ski trails in the Sawtooth Valley are covered with 8 to 12 inches of wet heavy frozen snow… maybe more. A ski sojourn is therefore not recommended. Valiant groomers Thaddeus and Chadeus Maximus have plans to beat down the slush at Alturas and Park Creek, but who knows when or if they will succeed? And one last serious announcement – grooming at the Stanley City Park is scheduled to start soon, no joke.

The shortest and coldest of days…

December 21st, the winter solstice, was an extremely stormy windy day in the Sawtooth Valley, with wind blown snow covering ski trails to a depth of at least 8 inches and drifting higher. Amazingly, the next day, Chaddeus Maximus ventured forth at Alturas Lake and rolled all trails there, even though the temperature never rose above zero degrees – a feat displaying classical heroism and devotion to duty. Davinius, warming himself by his wood stove and slurping a bowl of gruel, could only say, “You’re a better man than I am, Gunga-Din.” At the Park Creek trails, where winds gusted to 35 mph and the temperature hovered around -20 degrees, Jaydeus the younger displayed excellent judgement by just staying home. He may be able to groom some on Friday, weather permitting.

Not a creature was stirring, not even an elf…

On the 19th of December, the feast of Saint Nicholas, the Sawtooth cross country ski trails were looking very good, especially when one considers the time of the season. At Park Creek, all trails except for Larkspur were just freshly groomed. At Alturas, trails also were in really nice shape, except for North Cabin, which was perfectly primitive,

No Evidence Of Alien Ski Activity On Earth So Far, Says Pentagon’s UFO Report

Although temperatures in the Sawtooth Valley have been almost as cold as on the dark side of the moon, grooming has continued at the Park Creek and Alturas Lake Ski areas. Alturas trails are still soft but getting better with new ginzu and classic tracks on trails to the east of the creek and progress on the western side anticipated to push corduroy and classic through to the lake on Saturday. As of Friday, that section of trail was just soft corduroy sans classic. At Park Creek, new groomer, Jaydius the younger, was showing the right stuff this last week, rolling, grading and ginzuing trails to their best condition all season.

Trails continue to improve after the storm…

On Wednesday, the 14th, Camas and Skyrocket were groomed at Park Creek and the stuck drag was unstuck. At Alturas, the Trail to the Lake was rolled and North Cabin was opened with two snowmobile passes. A ginzu treatment is scheduled for Thursday at each ski area.

Monkey day!!!

December 14th is International Monkey Day so we encourage you to get out and monkey around and celebrate monkeys, lemurs, tarsiers, apes and other non-human primates. It is a day to raise awareness about all the different types of monkey in the world whilst also highlighting the issues that they face on a daily basis. On Tuesday all trails at Park Creek were graded. Today the plan was to take out the ginzu and also to retrieve the drag that was left stuck in a snowbank. At Alturas on Tuesday, all trails to the east of the creek were rolled and today the plan was to reestablish a link to the lake without getting stuck there in the deep drifting snow. After the big weekend dump, getting stuck has been an all too common occurrence.