Brightly the moon like a jewel is beaming, white in the east, o’er a lone landscape gleaming, over the meadows and over the snow, glimmering, shimmering, silvery glow. Low in the east, when the gloaming is ending, slowly this white winter moon is ascending. – Charles Nevers Holmes
On Sunday, the last day of February, the ski trails at Alturas Lake and Park Creek were groomed.
On February 27th, International Polar Bear Day, the temperature at the Alturas Lake Trails was 3 degrees below zero at 10 a.m. Chadeus Maximus had rolled all trails there during Friday’s blizzard and once things warm up a bit, Davinius will go out to groom some more. At Park Creek, Daniel Barbarossa braved the elements on Friday to flatten out the windblown snow and Adam plans do the same on Polar Bear Day.
On Thursday, February 25th, the birthday of George Harrison, Chadeus Maximus graded ski trails to the east of Alturas Lake Creek, making them wider and flatter in anticipation of a couple days of new snow. Overnight 4 inches of that snow did arrive and Chadeus was heading out again on the 26th to beat it down and roll it out. With yet another half foot of snow expected, more grooming is scheduled for Saturday.
On Tuesday, February 23rd, all trails at Alturas Lake were groomed for skate and classic except for North Cabin which was lacking classic tracks. Some extra grooming passes on the Lake Trail were devoted to flattening snow drifts in the open meadow stretch resulting in some limited success. Anyway, if you losers, cheaters, six time users are suffering from subterranean homesick blues, we suggest you learn to dance, get dressed, get blessed and check out the Alturas Lake trails. You won’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
Adam, the first man of Park Creek grooming, was out on the trails this weekend. He was able to get everything groomed except larkspur, with classic tracks on skyrocket, lupin, and shooting star. He’s been trying to get the trails leveled back out after all the drifting last week and will be going out for a couple hours Monday afternoon to work on larkspur. On Sunday at Alturas lake, Davinius graded and ginzu groomed the Trail to the Lake, Over the Hill and South loop with skate and classic lanes. Chadeus Maximus will take over on Monday with further grading and grooming planned.
All trails at Alturas Lake were groomed on Saturday the 20th and even though the wind continues to pile up insanely large drifts in open meadows, the skiing is still crazy good. More grooming scheduled for Sunday.
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