Soft light, snowy trails, magic…

On February 17th, trails at Alturas Lake were ginzu groomed for skate and classic after being rolled on the 16th. The result was soft… shimmering… magical.
On February 17th, trails at Alturas Lake were ginzu groomed for skate and classic after being rolled on the 16th. The result was soft… shimmering… magical.
On February 16th, after two days of considerable snowfall, yet more snow is reportedly on the way. Sawtooth ski trails are being groomed and reclaimed from the blanketing drifts, but skiers should expect somewhat soft and primitive trails rather than hard fast skate lanes and classic tracks. At Park Creek, Adam was grooming through heavy falling snow on Monday afternoon and Chadeus Maximus headed out on Tuesday morning to work on the Alturas Trails. New weatherproof boxes have been installed at both sites for maps and doggie bags. Our new dog poop patrolman, Toby Toller, hopes you enjoy our dog friendly trails, but asks that when your doggie gotta go “Please snag it and bag it!”
On February 13th, birthday of Italian rococo painter Giovanni Battista Piazzetta, skiing in the Sawtooth Valley should be heavenly. Trails at Alturas Lake have been groomed over the last 4 days to keep up with daily snowfall and will be groomed again today. Skate lanes look good but classic tracks are not the best due to hard snowpack conditions. NEWS UPDATE: After grooming on Saturday skate and classic tracks looked just fine at Alturas. At Park Creek, Adam has been grooming the past couple days. He was able to get lupin, camas, shooting star, and skyrocket open with classic tracks and skate lanes and he was heading back out Sunday morning to groom larkspur and sego. At Alturas, Davinius was going to check out drifting snow on Sunday and try to knock down the larger drifts.
On February 5th and on the 7th, the birthday of Bob Marley, Chadeus maximus groomed all trails at Alturas lake. Davinius had done the same on the 4th and 6th. Adam, the first man of grooming at Park Creek, hit the trails there on the 4th, 5th and 6th. “So don’t worry, about a thing, ’cause every little thing, gonna be all right.”
On February 3rd, all trails to the east of Alturas Lake Creek were ginzu groomed for skate and classic, on the west side all trails were compacted with the roller… classic tracks to follow.
On the first day of February, while that old alchemical mechanic Davinius labored to repair a broken track setter rod, Chadeus Maximus graded and flattened the ski trails to the east of Alturas Lake Creek. Once Davinius had finished transforming the old lead rod to solid gold status, Chadeus went back out to lay down some beautiful classic tracks on the trails he had just so expertly prepared. On the 2nd of February, the day we devote to prognosticating rodents, Chadeus was back out, giving ski trails to the west of the creek a similar treatment while Davinius and an old friend sat home silently contemplating their shadows.
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