Ski trails invite socially distanced skiing…

On Friday, March 13th, at Alturas Lake, Over the Hill, South Loop and the Lake trail as far as the creek turnaround were graded and ginzu groomed to improve the skating lanes. Otherwise the trails are wide, flat and firm with classic tracks melted out and degraded in spots. On Saturday, snow is falling intermittently and should improve trail conditions once we groom again.
The Sawtooth Ski Festival was a great success last weekend and the organizers and the many volunteers are still recuperating and practicing social distancing while quarantined at home. Please remember, no hand shakes, hugs or kisses on the ski trail system are allowed through the end of the season.


Carpe diem! Seize the day! Better yet seize the whole weekend and attend the always astounding Sawtooth Ski Festival events at Park Creek, Stanley and Alturas Lake. This year the ski trails are looking great, the Park Creek chili is truly the finest in the land and the Alturas soup kitchen will feature an exceptional cuisine worth a special journey. On top of that, the amazing Stanley dinner and auction promises to once again be the feel good social event of the year. All proceeds benefit a great cause and every event is guaranteed to make attendees feel warm, cozy and happy as clams. Be there or be square.

SATURDAY, March 7th, Park Creek Ski Area
Highway 21, 7 miles W. of Stanley
11am-2pm Homemade Chili & Treats
Poker Run!!!
Winning hand called at 1:30 pm
Stanley Community Building
Dinner Extravaganza
Incredible Silent Auction, bring your checkbook or credit card!
SUNDAY, March 8th
Alturas Lake Ski Area
Highway 75, 20 miles S. of Stanley
11am-3pm Soup Kitchen Social
Great ski trails and a great time!!!

Alturas trails look good…

On Wednesday, the 4th of March, all trails to the east of Alturas Lake Creek were groomed. Skate lanes looked fabulous, reset classic tracks were less fab but the best the hard snowpack allowed… sunshine rated excellent, views unrivaled… skiing highly recommended.

Ski trails groomed and virus free…

The ski trails at Alturas Lake were all groomed on Friday afternoon and looked great. A light snow shower commenced at 9:50 Saturday morning but little or no snow accumulation was expected. Park Creek trail grooming will commence around 11 a.m. Saturday.

Ski Trails touched up…

Trails at Park Creek were groomed on Sunday and Tuesday. At Alturas, a Monday grooming will be followed up with a touch up on Wednesday. Nice trails all around.

Trails groomed and groomed again and again…

On Monday the 24th of February, birthday of Winslow Homer, Chadeus Maximus was heading out to groom trails at Alturas Lake once again. He had groomed there the day before and the day before that Davinius had also taken the groomer out. Needless the say, the resulting trails should satisfy the skiing public.