Cold temperatures this last week have made morning skiing a wee bit brisk. Afternoon sun however has been glorious. At Alturas Lake, trails were graded or ginzued on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. Resulting skate lanes were wide, firm and flat. However, classic tracks were somewhat old or missing entirely in places due to frozen equipment. Ice bound ginzu groomer parts were switched out on Monday and Friday which should allow for better classic tracks starting this weekend. On Wednesday, the 19th, no grooming took place since the Alturas crew attended a small birthday celebration in honor of Nicolas Copernicus, a distant DNA uncle to the pretty girl from the village. At Park Creek, trails were reportedly quite nice.

Symbolical presentations of universal ideas…

On Sunday, February 16th, 2020, the 142nd anniversary of the birth of Pamela Colman Smith, visionary occultist and illustrator of the Waite-Smith Tarot deck, future good skiing was predicted for the Alturas Lake Ski Area. All trails were groomed and, for one day only, renamed in honor of the cards of the Tarot. It looked like old groomer Davinius had the Ginzu groomer badly stuck when he veered off trail on “Hanged Man” but with a bit of tugging and a modicum of effort he drove away clean. “Wheel of Fortune” was groomed for skate and classic and looked like it might just be great. “The Hermit” was double groomed for skating with a smattering of classic grooves. “The High Priestess” and “The King of Cups” both sported nice corduroy but were a bit snow blown in open meadows. And finally, “The Fool” once again got a nod from Davinius as the best route bar none.

Like Brigitte Bardot…

On Thursday, the 13th, Davinius groomed Over the Hill and the Trail from the Alturas Lake Creek Bridge to the Lake. Those trails looked pretty good. On Friday, the 14th, Chadeus Maximus took his turn digging snow and combing corduroy at Alturas; Adam, the first man at Park Creek, was doing the same, and Valentinius and the pretty girl from the village were cutting hearts from parchment and sending them out with a message of love.
When love walks in the room
Everybody stand up
Oh it’s good, good good
Say I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you

Sunny Daze

On Tuesday, February 11th, Chadeus Maximus groomed the ski trails east of the creek at the Alturas Lake ski area. The resulting trails were excellent. On Wednesday, the 12th of February, the birthday of Charles Darwin, the Alturas grooming team just monkeyed around and did no grooming whatsoever. On Thursday, the 13th, Davinius will try to spruce up the already lovely Trail to the Lake and North Cabin.


On Sunday, February 9th, the 56th anniversary of the Beatles first appearance on the Ed Sullivan show, the trails at Alturas Lake and Park Creek were cleaned up and widened and are reportedly getting better all the time. Old groomer Davinius and his monkey would, however, like to remind trail walkers, snow bikers and the snowmobilers who buzzed through the non motorized area that you can’t do that! You should have known better. Why don’t you do it in the road?


On Saturday, the 8th of February, all trails at Park Creek were open with classic and skate lanes. Adam, the first man of grooming is going out again on Sunday morning to widen and level a bit. At Alturas Lake all trails were also groomed on Saturday. They looked great but perhaps a bit soft for some skaters’ tastes. More grooming is scheduled for Sunday there too. At the bridge over Alturas lake creek the otter tracks are stupendous.