Alturas trails brought back to life…

On Monday, February 3rd, the feast day of St. Werburga, known for her beauty, her ability to read minds and her miraculous resurrection of a dead and partially eaten goose, Davinius resurrected the trails to the east of Alturas lake creek with a ginzu grooming. Tuesday was really too cold for grooming or skiing. On Wednesday, the ski trails on both sides of the creek were groomed once again.

Hot skiers cause ice melt…

On the first day of February, Davinius groomed all trails to the east of Alturas Lake Creek and hauled picnic tables there in response to a popular outcry for more convenient dining options while skiing. The trails there look very good after multiple days of grooming and he assumed the trails at Park Creek were likewise quite nice, since Adam, the first man of grooming and Daniel, the bearded one, had both been laying down corduroy there. On Thursday, Chadeus Maximus had to dig the snowmobile out of soft snow along North Cabin Creek trail and had to abandon the Ginzu groomer there next to a large hole. Davinius assured him there was no shame in that. A groomer must be prepared to walk away, defeated by the elements, since we are only human and the forces of Winter are supernatural. On Friday, Davinius retrieved the abandoned ginzu groomer, filled in the rather large hole left in the trail and marked it so it would not be a hazard to the skiing public. Even so, please, watch your speed on the big curving hills of North Cabin unless that’s really your thing. Grooming on to the Lake, Davinius encountered the reportedly deceased but very much alive Mr. Peanut and his hot date, the Tater Tot Girl. Ever ready to dispense fearful cautionary words of wisdom, Davinius told them not to ski on the frozen lake, since fried, baked or roasted skiers should never skate on thin ice.

Great ski trails under a clear blue sky…

On Wednesday, January 29th, the 96th anniversary of the first Winter Olympics, the ski trails at Park Creek and Alturas Lake were groomed to an exceptionally fine level.


On January 27th, 1993, the French professional wrestler André René Roussimoff, the one time World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion known as “The Eighth Wonder of the World”, died of congestive heart failure. 27 years to the day later, Davinius groomed all ski trails at Alturas Lake as heavy snow flurries worked to negate his efforts. He requests that you remember life is precious, kick and glide, obey and ski.
Addendum – MORE BREAKING NEWS FROM UNIMPEACHABLE SOURCES!!! On Monday, at Park Creek, Adam got both skate and classic lanes groomed on Lupine, Camas, Shooting Star and Skyrocket. On Tuesday both Adam, the first man of grooming, and the aforementioned, old and hardened, but still thoughtful Davinius were sitting out an onslaught of new, blowing and drifting snow. They plan on returning to the trails on Wednesday for renewed grooming.


On Saturday, the 25th, Chadeus Maximus groomed all ski trails at Alturas Lake for your skiing satisfaction and optimal pleasure.

Time melts away at Alturas Lake

Could it have been that long ago? 31 years? On January 23rd, 1989, in the city of his birth, Salvador Dalí died of heart failure at the age of 84. On January 23rd, 2020, Davinius checked his watch, it appeared to be melting… time to groom the ski trails at Alturas Lake once again. The Trail to the Lake, Over the Hill, North Cabin and South Loop were all touched up. Classic tracks were reset from the bridge to the Lake. While not quite perfect, the trails certainly looked good enough for an overdose of satisfaction.