On Monday, Davinius double graded and quadruple ginzued the trail to Alturas lake from the bridge. Classic tracks were set there and looked great. On Wednesday, Adam groomed Camas, Skyrocket, Lupine and Shooting Star at Park Creek and Chadeus headed out at Alturas to do more grading and grooming there.
We hope you enjoy the skiing the trails
With a crystalline delight;
Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the tintinnabulation that so musically wells
From the bells, bells, bells, bells,
Bells, bells, bells –
From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells.

Poe boy digs snow…

On Sunday, January 19th, the birthday of Edgar Allen Poe, grooming attempts on the west side of Alturas Lake Creek bogged down in layers of soft snow below the otherwise skiable top crust. While skiers were seen to be having an excellent time, Davinius was heard to mutter “Nevermore!” as he dug out and turned around the Ginzu groomer. On the east side of the creek, Over the Hill, South Loop, and the Trail to the Lake as far as the bridge were touched up and all trails were enjoyably skiable.

Alturas trails rolled again, Park creek set for skate and classic

On Friday the 17th of January, the birthday of American illustrator A.B.Frost, all trails at Alturas Lake were rolled. New snow and winds overnight had filled open meadows with significant drifts. We are hoping to add some classic tracks on Saturday. At Park Creek all trails were groomed for skate and classic.

The Story of My Life…

On January 14th, the birthday Of Richard F. Outcault, illustrator and creator of the kid who started the comics – Yellow Kid – HULLY GEE, DATS DEAD STRAIGHT AN ON DE LEVEL AN I KIN STAND FER IT SEE – Davinius rolled the Trail to Alturas Lake and North Cabin Creek through deep drifts. Chadeus was going to head out on Wednesday to roll more snow. At Park Creek, Adam and Sean have been keeping up on the trails as well and Adam is going to head back out on Wednesday, hoping to have some skate lanes and tracks ready by the afternoon. Another storm is forecast for Wednesday night.

More snow falls on St. Knut’s day…

On January 13th, after rolling all trails at Alturas Lake through 6 to 12 inches of new snow, Davinius celebrated with St. Knut and some Nuutipukkis, as the wind continued sculpting bizarre creatures across the snow blown meadows.
Grooming will continue both there and at Park Creek.

Alturas and Park Creek trails emerge from deep drifts… bird songs in the wilderness

After more than a foot of snow covered ski trails at Alturas Lake, Davinius and Chadeus Maximus spent Saturday beating down the drifts with multiple snow machine passes. Davinius planned on returning on Sunday to do some rudimentary rolling before the next major storm. “All this hard work is for the birds!” he was heard to mutter.
At Park Creek, Adam, the first man of grooming, and his new trainee, Big Bowler Sean, were packing and rolling also, trying to stay ahead of forecast precipitation. Touring should be ok at both areas but expect rough soft trails.

With new snow over night, trails at Alturas will be rolled again on Monday.
“The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.”
― Willie Nelson