Sawtooth Ski festival this weekend!

The 21st annual Sawtooth Ski Festival rocks the world this Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday at Park Creek from 11 to 1 – chili feed and ski poker run sure to delight crazy outdoor enthusiasts.
Sunday at Alturas from 11 to 3 – Soup Kitchen to warm your frozen soul.


On this date in 1848 – Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published The Communist Manifesto. In celebration of this earth shaking event, we would usually suggest that the proletariat and the bourgeoise join together, forget class struggle and go for a nice ski in the woods. However, since heavy snow flurries are oppressing brief interludes of radiant sunshine, you may want to wait for the violent overthrow of the entire weather system.

Calm before the storm…

After days of repeated grooming, ski trails in the Sawtooth Valley are rated “pretty darn good, not quite perfect”. Hard to beat that, but we’ll keep trying.

More of the same…

Letting the days go by, same as it ever was, same as it ever was… Trails at Alturas Lake and Park Creek were groomed yesterday and are in good shape for the most part, for the most part. The Sun is shining, water flowing underground.

Valentine’s grooming…

On February 14th, after 3 to 4 inches of new snow blew in overnight, all trails at Alturas Lake were ginzu groomed for skate and classic. One might expect windblown snow to creep over trails in open meadows and to obscure the kick and glide of otter tracks down the creek.