On Ground Hog’s Day all the trails at Alturas Lake to the East of the creek were groomed for skating and looked just great. Snowfall over night has no doubt erased any trace of corduroy. New snow is, however, good for revealing the tracks of the wild beasts that live along the trail. Excellent tracks of otter, badger, fox, ermine and skunk are often seen at Alturas. Today, the  3rd of February is not only the approximate mid point of winter but also the feast of St.Blaise, the patron saint of wild beasts. He loved all animals and animals therefore loved him in return. According to the Baldwin Project, bringing yesterday’s classic stories to today’s children…”The birds and beasts and fishes grew to love him because he never hurt them, but talked to them kindly and healed them when they were sick or wounded. The timid creatures were brave in his presence, and the fierce ones grew tame and gentle at the sound of his voice. The little birds brought him food, and the four-footed beasts ran errands and were his messengers. The legends say that they used to visit him in his forest home, which was a cave on Mount Argus. Every morning they came to see how their master was faring, to receive his blessing and lick his hands in gratitude.”