December 21st, the winter solstice, was an extremely stormy windy day in the Sawtooth Valley, with wind blown snow covering ski trails to a depth of at least 8 inches and drifting higher. Amazingly, the next day, Chaddeus Maximus ventured forth at Alturas Lake and rolled all trails there, even though the temperature never rose above zero degrees – a feat displaying classical heroism and devotion to duty. Davinius, warming himself by his wood stove and slurping a bowl of gruel, could only say, “You’re a better man than I am, Gunga-Din.” At the Park Creek trails, where winds gusted to 35 mph and the temperature hovered around -20 degrees, Jaydeus the younger displayed excellent judgement by just staying home. He may be able to groom some on Friday, weather permitting.
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