Trails rolled…

On the second day of April, all trails at Alturas Lake were rolled. At Park Creek, all trails except Larkspur were rolled. There was significant newly fallen snow at both areas with depths of up to 12 inches, so expect some of that to be blown about in open meadows.

Last days of March…

On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the last days of March, all trails at Alturas Lake were groomed. Going out again on Sunday, April 2nd to knock down new snow. At Park Creek, Thadeus has been doing some old school grooming to the delight of classic enthusiasts.

Between storms…

Sawtooth ski trails were groomed on Thursday through a snow storm. More grooming scheduled today. Next storm on way.


On Wednesday, March 29th, National Lemon Chiffon Cake Day, snow has been falling in the Sawtooth Valley. At Alturas Lake on Tuesday, the Trail to the Lake, Over the Hill, and North Cabin were all groomed but were quickly covered in new snow. A weather advisory predicts much more of the same for a few more days.